


昨天在杭州的火车上,邻座上一对20岁左右的小情侣旁若无人的在那里整事儿,不厌其烦的如同两只闹春的猫。火车上有挂壁电视啊,是张韶涵唱歌。由于我耳朵上挂的MP3放的是Kavana的MFEO – Made for each other,感觉就是张韶涵小模样在唱。



You know how I love to be with you
Girl you know that it’s true
We go together so good

When you touch me there
When you kiss that way
Baby you just take my breath away
When you move in close
Your skin’s on mine
Don’t stop, ‘cos we’re doin’ it right

You’ve turned me around
I can’t let you go
I’ll make you see we’re MFEO
Now matter how long
It takes me to show
You’ve gotta believe
We’re MFEO

I don’t know how long I’ve tried to prove
That I’m the one for you
So don’t play games with my mind

When you touch me there
When you kiss that way
Baby you just take my breath away
When you move in close
Feel your skin on mine
Don’t stop, ‘cos we’re doin’ in right

(Repeat chorus)

Blue skies in your eyes I’ve got the feeling
Tell me this baby do you get the meaning
I love you love what you wanna do love
Sure ’nuff sugar pie we can think it through love
Bit of this with a touch of your behaviour
You can be my cutie pie cos you got the flavour
Straight up no lie if you never know

We will forever be MFEO

When you touch me there
When you kiss that way
Baby you just take my breath away
When you move in close
Your skin’s on mine
Don’t stop, ‘cos we’re doin’ in right

(Repeat chorus to fade)

7 thoughts on “长假

  1. 整事儿?

  2. >>>邻座上一对20岁左右的小情侣旁若无人的在那里整事儿,不厌其烦的如同两只闹春的猫。


  3. 坐火车旅行最有感觉了,飞机上有艳遇吗?没有,火车上就有。飞机上有扑克打吗?没有,火车上就能打。飞机上能隔着几个座拉家常吗?不能,火车上就能。飞机上有谋杀案吗?火车上就有,东方快车谋杀案^_^!

  4. 飞机上也可以打扑克呀,我见过的,三个人玩“拉格”。嘿嘿,估计都不知道“拉格”吧?

  5. 那个……,悠长的假期没看过呵,还有王小波的[黄金时代],这么好看,下次弄来看一下闹


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